Question: Find the weighted average.

value f
8 8
7 12
6 10
5 4
4 3
3 0
2 0
1 1

My work:
ybar= (8x8)+ (7x12) + (6x10) + (5x4)+ (4x3) + (3x0) + (2x0)+ (1x0)/ 8 (but i'm not sure).

Apparently, the answer is 6.34 (according to the practice quiz but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong).

2 answers

So I got 240 and divided that by the number of values and got 30 but that is nowhere near the right answer. I also know that since the average is weighted it is not 8+12+10+4+3+0+0+1/8.
The weighted sum is (8x8)+ (7x12) + (6x10) + (5x4)+ (4x3) + (3x0) + (2x0)+ (1x1) = 241
The number of values is 8+12+10+4+3+0+0+1 = 38

Try your division now.