"¿Qué quieres que te prepare para el almuerzo, Rubén?" "No sé, pero por favor, no _____ gazpacho. no me gusta."

a. sugieres
b. hagas
c. pidas
d. revuelvas


10 answers

are u sure about the answer 'cause im pretty sure it is incorrect
what do you think it is?

hacer is to make
so hagas means don't make

"What do you want to prepare for lunch Ruben?" "I don't know, but please don't ______ gazpacho. I don't like it"
a. suggest
b. make
c. ask for
d. stir

so i think B makes the most sense
i would think c would be the correct answer
how can you explain that?
well don't u see that the question is saying to ask for something if u look carefully
it says what do you want to PREPARE

which means do it yourself

ask for would mean to ORDER

prepare and make = same thing
yeah i no
i'll wait for a tutor to come online and answer

but thanks for your help
no problem
Correct with your first answer! With "What are you going to prepare?" The answer has to be "Don't make = no hagas."
