Punctuation within Sentences—Dash
1.Her mind flew so quickly—she had so much to remember—that she forgot to stop at the light.2.The gardener—took the and the shovel—and began to plant the flowers.
Punctuation within Sentences—Hyphen
1.You will need to- write both short and long term goals.2. The president elect- of the Rotary Club had the winning lottery ticket.3. Please buy three half gallon containers- of ice cream for the party.4.The ill defined terms somehow were not clear to her.
Punctuation within Sentences—Square BracketsThe politician argued [in quite a pompous way that the] state government had never been in better hands. 2.The sixth-grader had written in his essay that “his school experience had been deploreable [deplorable].”
3 answers
Please write how you think these sentences should be punctuated...Then we will suggest corrections if needed.
My answer is beside each number. I just need for someone to let me know if my answer is correct or not.
The first sentence is correct. But a dash is not needed in the second sentence.
Please check your text or check this site for hyphen use. None of your sentences are correct. We'll be glad to check your corrections.
The first sentence using square brackets is not correct. No brackets or parentheses are needed in that sentence. The second sentence is correct.
You may also want to refer to this excellent site.
Please check your text or check this site for hyphen use. None of your sentences are correct. We'll be glad to check your corrections.
The first sentence using square brackets is not correct. No brackets or parentheses are needed in that sentence. The second sentence is correct.
You may also want to refer to this excellent site.