Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the following table.
freshwater = aquifer depletion, overdrawing surface water, and saltwater intrusion
oceanwater = flooding, water pollution, and eutrophication
can you tell me if i am right please? and what are the description of each. is it like the defintation of it?
3 answers
I am wondering what you mean by saltwater flooding. The others are ok.
if saltwater is not one can you think of another one?
Water Resource Challenges
Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following:
Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the following table.
Water Resource Challenges
Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following:
Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the following table.
Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges
Sewage, Disease, Garbage.
Oil spills, Costal developments, Man made pollutions
Sewage, Disease, Garbage.
Oil spills, Costal developments, Man made pollutions