I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a citation for a specific source as I do not have access to the internet. However, you can use the general format provided below to create an APA-style citation for your source:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstNameInitial. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), Page numbers.
Remember to replace "AuthorLastName" and "AuthorFirstNameInitial" with the actual last name and first initial of the author, "Year" with the publication year of the article, "Title of the article" with the specific title of the article you are citing, "Title of the Journal" with the name of the journal where the article was published, "Volume(Issue)" with the volume and issue number of the journal where the article was published, and "Page numbers" with the page range of the specific article.
Additionally, if you are citing a book, website, or other types of sources, different formatting rules apply. Please consult the APA style guide for the appropriate format for the specific type of source you are citing.
provide a citation for your source(s) here. use the APA style: citing sources and formatting guide from the lesson to help you. APA China (Main focuses is China)
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstNameInitial. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), Page numbers.
1 answer