ive got this so far
The new deal was made to combat the great depression. The new deal created the civilian conservation corps (CCC). The CCC put about 3million young men to work on things like planting trees. It also established the public works administration (PWA). The PWA provided jobs by building huge public works such as roads, hospitals, and schools. The new deals agricultural adjustment administration (AAA) raised farm prices and controlled farm production.
another way the great depression could have been dealt with is
president roosevelt implemented a set of programs called the new deal. identify the problem that the new deal was designed to deal with. list other possible solutions and their advantages and disadvantages. then write a short evaluation of the chosen solution
8 answers
i can not think of an other way it could have been fixed.
Well, President Hoover believed that private charities should have dealt with people in need, not the government. Others thought that the CCC, PWA, and other programs to provide employment to people were just "make work" and useless, therefore a waste of taxpayer money. Google "opposition to the New Deal"
Happy reading!
Hey Connections students-- keep using these answers. You will be written up for cheating and get a zero on the assessment!
Connections will work to find you cheating students and punish you all! I keep seeing these when I use CheckMyWork and its absurd. You will be caught for breaking the honor code.