jouer = to play (the infinitive is introduced by "to" and does not say WHO or WHEN; that's why it's called "infinite/infinitive!")

(I play, I DO play, I AM playING) = note 3 possible English translations for just one French form = je joue


je joue nous jouons
tu joues vous jouez
il/elle/on joue ils/elles jouent

NOTE: 1. The personal endings of the present tense (le présent) of -er verbs are:
-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent (NOTE these "markers")

2. The "e" of "je" is dropped if the next word begins with a vowel or silent "h:"
J'arrive / j'habite

3. The pronouns "il," "elle," "ils," "elles" refer to both persons and things. "On" is translated: one, he, she, people, etc.

4. To summarize two or more nouns of different genders, "ils" is used.
Le crayon et la plume tombent. Ils tombent.
The pen and pencil are falling. They are falling.


aider = to help
aimer = to like, love
chanter = to sing
chercher = to look for
commencer = to begin, commence, start
compter = to count
danser = to dance
demeurer = to live, dwell
désirer = to wish, want, desire
donner = to give
entrer (dans) = to go (come) in, enter
étudier = to study
fermer = to close, shut
habiter = to live in
jouer = to play
manger = to eat
marcher = to walk
montrer = to show
parler = to speak, talk
penser = to think
pleurer = to cry, weep
porter = to carry, wear
sonner = to ring
tomber = to fall
travailler = to work
trouver = to find

NOTE: When you have to "guess" whether the infinitive is an -er, -ir, -re verb, there are more -er verbs than any others. Also, if you have all the verbs in this list in your "working vocabulary" you will really be able to express yourself! Accept right now that you probably will NEVER be able to say exactly what you want in French, so learn to substitute with synonyms, general ideas, xamaples, hand signals, etc., whatever you have to do to convey the "idea" of what you want to say. Most people are never able to say exactly what they want to say in their own native language either! Since I didn't use any English in class I told my students I'd "stand on my head" to convey the idea, if necessary! (If they HAD to have English, they could come before school, at break, at lunch, or after school! Most of them had more fun figuring it out!)

Next "lesson" will be on Interrogative, then negative and negative interrogative, before -ir and -re verbs. If you haven't gotten to any of this yet, just save it for later. You WILL get it all sooner or later! :)


P.S. Having fun yet?