Prepared speech about this topic Traditional healer should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in hospital and clinic. I don't have any working because i hv never done any prepared speech and i don't understand this topic well.

88 answers

1. Define "traditional healer."

2. Define "practise and prescribe medicine."

3. Define "hospital and clinic."

4. Then ask yourself why this should happen. Or why this should not happen.

Read, read, read ... and let us know what you decide.
yes they should
They should
preper speech about the topic saying traditonal healers should practise medicine in hospitals
Yes bcz there are some illness that require traditional healing
Yes cose sme dieses dnt need hospitals
No,because you cant be sure that they are real traditional healers
U jst hve to put ur hope in God and that will be good 😊
Can you please help me with the impact and causes and also with the results and conclusion about this topic
I agree that traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics
Yes,traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics,coz traditional healers and doctors are both doctors so they must combine and improve our world,because we are all going to grave yard
Yes they should coz some disease need healers
no dey should not
Yes i agree they should be allowed.
they shud be allowed CX they have medicines that cure people,which our science doctors don't have
Yes they must be allowed becoz many ppl go to Traditional healers for better medication
yes there must be allow to
a speech about that the traditional healers should be allowed to practice and prescribe medicine in clinics and hospitals
Yes it should becouse many people believe in traditional healers
Yeah they shud be allowed to practise and pescribe medicine in hospital n clicnics..
8 i need help.l want to write prepared speech traditional healers should be allow to practice and prescribe medicine in hospital and cluni
They should be allowed but the problem is many ppl they don't beleive in those things
I need help.I have to write preped spech with this topic
Yes they should be allowed
They should b allowed because they play a vital role in the country
Yes ther r sum illness that reguire traditional healing
i need help about this topic plz i'm lost idon't know where to start
Guyz plz help m abt dis topic 2morrow iz da day 2 deliver a speech
Yec they should be allowed becz traditional doctors and doctors play a big role in our country
They should allowed gyz bcz they see wht dah doctors and nurses cnt's see
I need help I must deliver my speech tomoro based on traditional healers should be allowed to perform and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics
Traditional healers should be allowed to prescribe medicines in hospitals because they are spiritually wise
Yes they should becoz many people believe in them nd thy r useful so y not
Yeah yeah! they should allow them coz they are bettr than those scientific doctors, i would nevr mind if the healers could be doctors u know!
Yes i think they should be allowed because they also heal and they somekind have many healing products than science doctors such as umuthi ,phate ya ngaka and so on ...
Yes traditional healers must team up with doctors and cure south african ppl...gym we really need this.
yes they should be allowed because they can see the problem you have in that moment,and they see very clearly.....
yes because some ppl go for traditional healers and they get help....
Yes coz they a very helpfll the play a vital role in S.A
Yes they should be allowed...They're spiritual healers and they can heal many sicknesses than science doctors!!!...
In some way they should b allowed coz ppl are sick in different ways so traditional healers may also take part
plz guyz jst do for me a mind map or planing in this topic
I agree with you guys, Traditional healers should be allowed in hospital
Healer play the bones and tell u ur problem so they must be allowed
they should be allowed bcoz they boost primary health care
Yes i agree
Yec they should be allowed coz they see what doctors can't see
I think they should be allowed becouse natural medicine are important in our bodies and help our bodies to stay strong and protect us from other effective diseases
Should be allowed bcoz help spiritual and see things people can't see especially doctors
i need help with this topic traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in hospital and clinics
I agree that traditional healer should be ALLOWED to practise & prescribe medicine hospital & clinics I hv multiple reason it because people who hv different kind of diseases can be cured when combining traditional healer &doctors it will really be a good thing
Yeah they should bcoz the Traditional medicine is something natural actually are plants...
Yes they should because our science doctors can't heal all of de disease
I think traditional doctors should team up with science doctors because they deal with the same thing of WICH it's Healing. There combination with science doctors Could be a good idea. But for those who they don't want to be cured by trdtional dctrs may OF COURSE IT'S A FREEDOM OF CHOICE
What if I say no
yes they should be allowed
Yes bcz the mean what doctor dont see
Yes cz the traditional healer they help us on other illness dat need healer
Yes they should be allowed bcs thy will hlp ppl 2 stp being sick nd protect dem through the different illness nd thy may get all well while having both doctor nd Traditional healer
They shld b allowed simply bcz they r HV much power when it cmz from healin
They should allowed them because they play big role in combating Africa major disease ,promote importance of practicing safe sex
Traditional healerscshould be allowed and prescribe medicine in hospitals and clinics
I'm also one of students that need to deliver this speech tomorrow...anyway I agree that traditional healers should be allowed to practise in hospitals BCS sometimes our Scientific DCTR can't heal some of deases which need Traditional healers
no there should be a place where the traditional healers practise their things and prescribe traditional medicine and there should be a clinic or hospital where by they are prescribing modern medicinethen the people will choose whether they go to clinic or traditional healer
In my side I think healers must be allowed coz nower healers they see many things who doctors din't see
they should be allowed
They should not wat if there is conflict between them they end up prescriding rong medication healer can they cure hive?
Yes ,coz they also heal n dnt harm anyone n their medication z easier to get as its from nature for example ISIBHAHA
Yes traditional healers they should be allowed to prectise & priscribe at the hospital& clincs
yes coz some traditional healers can help other people with so many things that science doctors can't do
yes coz traditional healers can help other people with so many problems
I think they should be allowed becz they have medicinez that can cure diseases that cant be seen nor cured by morden doctors
THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED,traditional healers and doctors do not work the same way although they both heal and some people do not believe in tradition,especialy whites.
Yess I think they should be allowed b'coz Traditional healers can help us with many things that Our specialist doctors can't see
yes i agree with tpc
They should be allowed because they are powerful and strong. .that they are able to see whatever is your illness
Yes because some diseases do not need hospitals,some illness require traditional healing.Doctors can not deal with IDLISO,AMABHADI,LOVE PORTION.
science doctors've got nothing to do with witchcraft
but some traditional healers do, wouldn't this
access of prescription bring more evil spirits
since some of the healers are possessed
by demons...?
Guyz u don't help any where
Traditional healers should be allowed to practise and prescribe medicine in hospital and clinics
Yes i think they should bě allowe bcoz they can cure disease lyk cancer and herpes which dotors can not heal ,,,,anyway help with points forma debate abt ths tpc