Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you reflect on a challenging experience that you have encountered in either a professional or personal environment that involved significant “thinking through” or reasoning. Be sure to address the following items:

o Describe the attitudes and assumptions that the subject brought into the selected experience. If anxiety, confusion, or ambivalence was experienced at the onset of the situation, attempt to account for these feelings in terms of classical conditioning principles. Similarly, attempt to account for any positive emotions brought into the experience involving reasoning.

o In regards to the experience itself, analyze what role memory played in the processes that were involved.

o Consider obstacles that may have occurred as the issue was “thought through” to a conclusion.

o Speculate on what types of reasoning were involved in the selected experience. Was it exclusively based on previously learned concepts and perceptions, or did it involve new learning, observational learning, or a combination of current perceptions and decisions?

o Provide several ideas that could have enhanced the effectiveness of the reasoning process in this experience. Consider multiple intelligences and the role that memory and language played in your formulation of outcomes for this issue.

· Format your paper according to APA standards.

Learning Team Assignment: Sensation, Perception, and Attention Paper

· Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the type of environment that facilitates the attention and perceptive processes of each Learning Team member. In order to prepare your report, perform the following activities:

o Conduct an open dialogue about each team member’s threshold for auditory stimuli.

o Compare the experiences and comfort levels of each team member with dichotic listening, or the “cocktail party” phenomenon.

o Discuss how dividing attention facilitates or impedes each team member’s learning.

o Identify and articulate what you see as the sensory perception problem involved.

o Make recommendations and ground rules that will accommodate the auditory sensation, perception, and attention to learning during your Learning Team meetings.

· Format your paper according to APA standards.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you reflect on a challenging experience that you have encountered in either a professional or personal environment that involved significant “thinking through” or reasoning. Be sure to address the following items:

o Describe the attitudes and assumptions that the subject brought into the selected experience. If anxiety, confusion, or ambivalence was experienced at the onset of the situation, attempt to account for these feelings in terms of classical conditioning principles. Similarly, attempt to account for any positive emotions brought into the experience involving reasoning.

o In regards to the experience itself, analyze what role memory played in the processes that were involved.

o Consider obstacles that may have occurred as the issue was “thought through” to a conclusion.

o Speculate on what types of reasoning were involved in the selected experience. Was it exclusively based on previously learned concepts and perceptions, or did it involve new learning, observational learning, or a combination of current perceptions and decisions?

o Provide several ideas that could have enhanced the effectiveness of the reasoning process in this experience. Consider multiple intelligences and the role that memory and language played in your formulation of outcomes for this issue.

· Format your paper according to APA standards.

Learning Team Assignment: Sensation, Perception, and Attention Paper

· Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the type of environment that facilitates the attention and perceptive processes of each Learning Team member. In order to prepare your report, perform the following activities:

o Conduct an open dialogue about each team member’s threshold for auditory stimuli.

o Compare the experiences and comfort levels of each team member with dichotic listening, or the “cocktail party” phenomenon.

o Discuss how dividing attention facilitates or impedes each team member’s learning.

o Identify and articulate what you see as the sensory perception problem involved.

o Make recommendations and ground rules that will accommodate the auditory sensation, perception, and attention to learning during your Learning Team meetings.

· Format your paper according to APA standards.

7 answers

We do not do your homework for you.
In addition, we have no idea what kind of challenging experience YOU have had.

Here are a couple of sites on writing a paper and APA standards.
For you to post assigments online waiting for whatever suggests to me you ought to do some self-analysis. Why don't you just do the thinking for yourself? There is no greater joy than the sense of accomplishment. I see on "" you have offered $40 dollars for someone to each of these.
I am reminded years ago of a cheat I encountered. We had a class reunion recently, and that is what I remembered of him. I know I should forget it, there must be other qualities he has, but that is what I remember. I hope this doesn't happen to you.
What a wonderful opportunity for you to discover more about yourself and others! I realize that it will take a great deal of work, but it will result in a great deal of gain.

For the first paper, think of any hard decisions you had to make. Have you either committed yourself or broken up from a personal relationship? Have you had a serious illness that you had to overcome? Have you ever been rejected by significant others?

For the second paper, gathering this information will give you much insight into the processes involved in a group meeting. What you learn will help you to take advantage of the processes to get the outcomes that you desire.

Getting a paper from someone else is easier in the short term and may help you get the degree you desire. That degree might get you the job you desire. However, once on the job, you will find yourself lacking some of the skills you would have developed by writing the papers, making you much less likely to keep that job.

I have spent the time to do some of these "pain in the butt" papers. Years later, I have gone back to them to review their information to help me with problems I have encountered. They have helped greatly.

The decision is yours. Do you want to take the easy, short term decision, or you you want to make the decision that will have more lasting long term assets?

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
Conduct an open dialogue about each team member’s threshold for auditory stimuli.
I was trying to look up some information that would make me understand this assignment better myself. I really do not understand it, what it is trying to ask of me, what to write on, and that's why i was looking online, when i cam across this. I don't agree on how this person just tried to lay out their whole assingments for the next cpld of weeks in hopes of trying to get a freebie, but I sure would like help on understanding the second assignment better!
sorry i stand corrected, it is the third assingnment on here that i am having trouble understanding
If you are a University of phoenix student the reading should be in chapter 9 of Kowalski, R., & Westen. Finding that information helped me a lot. If you have other questions consult with your teacher.