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Pre-school teacher NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! thanks sooo much?
I am a preschool teacher and the theme for this week is "Land/Air/and water".... My kids are 3 and 4.... what lesson ideas or craft ideas do u have in mind for this theme...
I wanted to do a fun activity about the water cycle.... but I cannot seem to come up with any more ideas....
FOr my bulletin I made a Land/Air/water mural... I was thinking about allowing the students to make objects or things that belong in the air (such as an airplane), the water (such as a boat or fish) or the land (such as a car).... and gluing them to my land/air/and water mural so parents can see it....
9 answers
I love your idea of the mural with the kids making things to put on it.
Also you might have them make paper airplanes to fly. Fold paper boats and have a race a child's plastic pool, by blowing them across. That way you could talk about the energy sources.
Also you might have them make paper airplanes to fly. Fold paper boats and have a race a child's plastic pool, by blowing them across. That way you could talk about the energy sources.
They will enjoy making pinwheels, and taking them outside.
Bring in those styrophome air planes and clay landforms. For the water cycle asign groups to cut out water, evaporated water,clouds, rain/hail or snow. Then, put them on the wall (in order) and get one person from each group to tell about what they had.
they are a bit young to be learning the water cycle though aren't they? i learnt it in like yr5
Try to tell them to draw or make animals that belongs to air, water and land on a different piece of paper or box (Use colored paper or tell them to buy them.)In a box or on a box (painting if the student/s an expert at painting.)
Why not let the little ones make a play-dough mold of the water cycle, or draw what they think of when they think of the water cycle? (That is, as long as they don't think of bathrooms depending on the kids)
You can try origami like;
making a paper boat is water, a paper airplane is air, and an origami dog for land! That is if it is to hard for them to do. :) X) :)
making a paper boat is water, a paper airplane is air, and an origami dog for land! That is if it is to hard for them to do. :) X) :)
funny I just noticed that those kids are probably about my age! :)