one more question, please.
Do I need to say "il veut me dire..."
or could I also say "il me veut dire..."
Thank you
Pourriez-vous me dire, s'il vous plait, quand on dit "demeurer" et quand "habiter"?
je demeure (à) Paris ?
j'habite (à) Paris ?
Merci beaucoup!
3 answers
Beginning with "il veut me dire" = he wishes to say TO ME...The object-pronoun is the object of the infinitive. vs "il me veut dire..." = He wants ME to say... Now the object is the object of the verb wish/want. See the difference?
demeurer = to reside, dwell; to stay, remain
habiter = to live in, in habit; to live, reside
So it will be your choice! They are synonyms. Possibly it's easier to say "habiter" so you might hear it more.
Sra (aka Mme)
demeurer = to reside, dwell; to stay, remain
habiter = to live in, in habit; to live, reside
So it will be your choice! They are synonyms. Possibly it's easier to say "habiter" so you might hear it more.
Sra (aka Mme)
Merci beaucoup!!