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The war that shouldn't have go on
What does a war hero receive when he return home from war? Is it a welcome home hug, a medal of honor, or perhaps a G.I. bill for education? This is probably what most soldiers would want when they return home after serving his country. But the story for this war hero is different, his name is Walter Padilla. When he returned home from war in Iraq, his rewards for serving his country were nights of sleep disorder and nightmare that haunted him. The disorder is called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. He used to be an easy going person, but after the war he is a totally different quoted by one of his best friends. Because of the PTSD, his life falls apart, he had no choice but to end his nightmare, and end his life with his handgun. It is a tragic suicide and if our war hero did not have to go war in Iraq, maybe he will be still alive and had a good life.
The death of Walter Padilla is one of many reasons that suggested that we shouldn’t have going to war with Iraq. Other reasoning are the cost of war, growth of anti-American belief and the safety of our citizens, as well as the increasing number of death of innocents people and the justification of invading a diminish power country, Iraq.
While many people were complaining the cost of gasoline increasing in a very steady way on a daily basis, others have not yet realized that it was one of the many factors that created the cost of the war. When you go to shop in the grocery stores, you bills might be slight higher than usually. It is not because a cashiers mistake, tt is because many of the food and product we are brought are going up in price due to the inflation cause by the war. We pay taxes every year because we need to. Taxes sometime our taxes money will goes to local school education fund or hurricane damage restoration. And sometime it is not just helping out the younger generation, but the money that we contribute to the government went to help and continue to destroy other country, finding more opportunity to harder our life, who knows what will increase again tomorrow because of the war. The money that we work hard for went to do the wrong thing.
How long does it take for you to get check in, in the airport? It is 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours or even more? That is probably longer if you have been fight lately, because of war the security check in airport has increasing in levels. Want to take a vacation any time soon? Sure, but as long as the destination spot favor western, why, because there are many countries that don’t like western tourist. And if you check a global map that is quite a few spot in the world that western shouldn’t be visiting anytime soon. Ever since the American troop invade the Iraq country. The hatred of western has been raise more and more. The western culture was already not too agreed by the Muslim, but after the war they dislike the western culture ever more. Beside the religious Muslim, western also loses some friendship relationship between other countries in the world due to evoke of the war. Because of the war many of our civilians have felt more unsecured every day both in homeland and out side of our country boarder line.
Ever since elementary school, we been taught to count, the number of apples we ate, the grade we gets and the steps we took. And what do we count in today, the number of people dies, yes. Death was always a scary topic, but with the on going of war, the number of people past away during the war has just keep increasing according to the article in the medical magazine the lancet. There has been an excess of 10000 of civilian of death since the invasions of Iraq in 2003. These numbers include children, women who have no threat to anyone. The number of solider died in war is also adding everyday. Last count the number of death was 3782 and the number isn’t going to stop if the war is still going.
Many have ask why did we invade Iraq at first place, is it because the terrorism attack happen at Sep 11, 2001 or is it because that Iraq have weapon of destruction. But last time we check we have no hard concrete evidence of the link between the terrorism attack and our troop have been search the country from top to down and they have found nothing that prove that Iraq have any weapon of massive destruction. September 11, 2001 was a shocking history event that changed our world. It affects each and one of us by some way. But we should goes to war with Iraq because of that. Most people call the invading vengeance more than a justice.
With more than 40% of our civilian are not supporting the war, the opposition force we should stop this and bring our troop home. Plus there is no true hard evidence link between the terrorist attacks of Sep 11, 2001 and Iraq, it is not justify going to war with Iraq. Many of these soldiers have family and children, when they are gone who is going to supported their love one. Iraq has diminished and their lack of weapon of massive destruction is gone, they are not a threat to anyone in the world, including America.
3 answers
The War That Should Not Go On
What does a war hero receive when he return home from war? Is it a welcome home hug, a Medal of Honor, or perhaps G.I. Bill Aid for
Education? These are probably what most soldiers would want when they return home after serving their country. But the story for this war hero was different;his name is Walter Padilla. When he returned home from war in Iraq, his rewards for serving his country were nights of sleep disorder and nightmares that haunted him. The disorder is called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. "He used to be an easy- going person, but after the war he is a totally different,"quoted by one of his best friends. Because of the PTSD, his life fell apart, he had no choice but to end his nightmare and end his life with his handgun. It is a tragic end to a heroic life, and if our war hero had not gone to war in Iraq, maybe he would still be alive to have a good life. The death of Walter Padilla is one of many reasons that suggests we shouldn’t have gone to war with Iraq. Other reasons are the cost of war, the growth of anti-American belief , the safety of our citizens, and the increasing number of deaths of innocent people .
It is not because a cashiers mistake, tt is because many of the food and product
One word:
-On going = Ongoing
-Out side = Outside
Two words:
-Everyday = Every day