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Éstas son tres cosas necesarias para mantener una vida sana: Recomiendo que tengas un hábito alimenticio equilibrado o nutritivo. Come muchas frutas y verduras. Es importante que hagas ejercicios porque es necesario estar en forma. Yo sugiero que siempre estés de buen humor porque es bueno para la salud. Yo no recomiendo que comas la comida basura porque te hace el pelo del aumento. Es importante que no estés perezoso porque no es bueno para el cuerpo. También, es necesario que no estés estresado porque va a caerte de sueño.
These are the three necessary things in order to maintain your healthy life: I recommend that you have a balanced and nutritious eating habit. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is important that you exercise because it is necessary to be fit. I suggest that you always be in a good mood because it is good for the health. I don’t recommend that you eat junk food because it makes you gain weight. It is important that you are not lazy because it is not good for the body. Also, it is necessary that you are not stressed out because it is going to make you feel exhausted.
1 answer
exhausted = vas a sentirte agotado