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The innatist perspective, advocated by Noam Chomsky, posits that language acquisition is innate and genetically predetermined. Chomsky's theory of universal grammar suggests that all humans have an innate ability to acquire language and that there are underlying rules and structures that govern all languages. According to this perspective, children are born with a language acquisition device (LAD) that enables them to learn language effortlessly and unconsciously. Research studies on language universals and the critical period hypothesis support Chomsky's theory on the innateness of language acquisition.
1 answer
The innatist view, supported by Noam Chomsky, suggests that learning language is something we are born knowing how to do, based on our genes. Chomsky's idea of universal grammar says that all people have a natural talent for learning language and there are basic rules that apply to all languages. In this view, children have a built-in ability to easily and naturally learn language. Studies on language patterns and the idea that there is a certain time in childhood when language is easiest to learn back up Chomsky's theory that language abilities are innate.