Please let me know if you agree with my answers to these two questions.

1.Hannah's mother said,"Hannah is such
a "pencil-and-paper" kid."
It is likely that Hannah:

A. will be an artist.

B. will learn to write,forming her
letters perfectly.

C. will be a good reader.

D. does not enjoy being read to.

2. Betsy is three years old.
Which group of letters is
more recognizable to her?

A) d k s u o z

B) c J n P r X

C) B L G M H T

D) A W Q e f v

Here are my answers:

#1. (B) will learn to write forming
her letters perfectly.

#2. (C) B L G M H T

Thank you!!

8 answers

I agree with you! <G>
Yes. I agree with both of your answers. However, it's hard to know just what Hannah's mother means by saying the child is a paper and pencil kid.
I am not real sure on the first question-

could the correct answer on the first
qestion be: (C) be a good reader
It's probably true. But using a pencil and paper skillfully could mean that the child is a good drawer. A person with learning disabilities that make it difficult to learn to read may also have artistic abilities.

C. still seems to be the best answer.
I go with the answers above, however, as Ms Sue stated, the meaning of pencil and paper kid is somewhat vague. I was a counslor for two years at an boarding school for exceptional children: I remember one child who was pencil and paper, a great artist, but he never read nor wrote. Another child (14yrs) scribbled all the time on little fragments of paper, but they were secret messages, not in our script, and had meaning only to him when he wrote. So the meaning of pencil and paper is to me vague. If I were to say that about a teen, I would be meaning they are concrete thinkers, sequential, and consequential as opposed to abstract thinking. So that statement to me, a pencil and paper kid, is without definite meaning.
what about (A)?

Will be an artist?
It is confusing because it has given you two correct answers. It's a poorly written question. If you have the option, put down both answers.

If you don't have the option of two answers, then I suggest you stick with B, learning to form letters. It may be that a child who has the ability and eye-hand coordination to form letters will do that before s/he actually learns to read very proficiently.
I'd reject (A)being an artist. Your text mentions nothing about art, but talks about writing and reading.