This is what I have so far. I'm not asking anyone to do my work, I'm not an idiot. I just need guidance
This is what I have so far.
During the period between 1860 and the early 1900's, Realism and Regionalism developed to describe the hardships of the Civil War and it's effects on the nation.
PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just need a general outline and I can write the actual essay
Respond to one of the following prompts
A. regionalism is a form of realism that emphasizes realistic settings using local dialect customs and other specific details of place identify the regional stories in the realism and regionalism unit what part of the country is portrayed and which details in the story distinguish it from other regions in america?
B. consider what you have learned about america history during the period of 1860 to the early 1900s. how do the stories in the realism and regionalism unit reflect what was going on in the country then?
18 answers
Could you please just point me in the right direction?
For the answer to the question above,
For century America the Civil War and westward expansion created numerous changes in society and politics. American artists turned to realism and regionalism to comment on the new concerns of the time period such as the ongoing struggle of the working class as well as the societal elevation of the middle class. Artists documented these national transformations by creating removed, impartial depictions of everyday life. In order to bring their characters and setting to life to allow their readers to become fully engulfed in their stories, Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Kate Chopin in The Awakening employed regionalism while Henry James depicted real life in real time using realism in his story Daisy Miller: A Study.
Mark Twain and Kate Chopin were experts at creating regionalist works. Regionalism refers to texts that concentrate heavily on specific, unique features of a certain region including dialect, customs, tradition, topography, history, and characters. It focuses on the formal and the informal, analyzing the attitudes characters have towards one another and their community as a whole. The narrator is particularly important in regionalist fiction for he or she serves as a translator, making the region understandable for the reader. In his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain's use of regionalism brings the reader right into the heart of the 19th century wild American West. Twain brings to the local to life. From the very beginning of the novel Twain tells his reader, "In this book a number of dialects are used, to wit: the Missouri negro dialect, the extremist form of the backwoods South-Western dialects; the ordinary "Pike-Country" dialect; and four modified varieties of this last" (Twain, pg. 108). Twain guides his reader, using the vernacular, directly into the scene so you feel as if you are right next to Huck Finn, floating down the Mississippi River, as he dictates the story to you. Lack of grammar, incorrect sentence structure and words that you would never find in the English dictionary compose Huck's language and allow the reader to get a feel for his character as well as the customs of the specific region he comes from. The local color stories he describes throughout the novel give the reader a representation of the region in which he dwells and travels.
For century America the Civil War and westward expansion created numerous changes in society and politics. American artists turned to realism and regionalism to comment on the new concerns of the time period such as the ongoing struggle of the working class as well as the societal elevation of the middle class. Artists documented these national transformations by creating removed, impartial depictions of everyday life. In order to bring their characters and setting to life to allow their readers to become fully engulfed in their stories, Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Kate Chopin in The Awakening employed regionalism while Henry James depicted real life in real time using realism in his story Daisy Miller: A Study.
Mark Twain and Kate Chopin were experts at creating regionalist works. Regionalism refers to texts that concentrate heavily on specific, unique features of a certain region including dialect, customs, tradition, topography, history, and characters. It focuses on the formal and the informal, analyzing the attitudes characters have towards one another and their community as a whole. The narrator is particularly important in regionalist fiction for he or she serves as a translator, making the region understandable for the reader. In his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain's use of regionalism brings the reader right into the heart of the 19th century wild American West. Twain brings to the local to life. From the very beginning of the novel Twain tells his reader, "In this book a number of dialects are used, to wit: the Missouri negro dialect, the extremist form of the backwoods South-Western dialects; the ordinary "Pike-Country" dialect; and four modified varieties of this last" (Twain, pg. 108). Twain guides his reader, using the vernacular, directly into the scene so you feel as if you are right next to Huck Finn, floating down the Mississippi River, as he dictates the story to you. Lack of grammar, incorrect sentence structure and words that you would never find in the English dictionary compose Huck's language and allow the reader to get a feel for his character as well as the customs of the specific region he comes from. The local color stories he describes throughout the novel give the reader a representation of the region in which he dwells and travels.
Yo, snow you are awesome! This is perfect if you are looking for something to copy and paste and then re-right and revise, or just revise on its own. Props to you madam or sir... Props to you!
CONNEXUS STUDENTS !!!!!!!!!!!! DONT USE ^^^^ SNOW’S ANSWER OR YOULL BE CAUGHT FOR PLARGARISM!!! everyone is using it and the teachers have caught onto it so just look somewhere else or google it elsewhere
YES^ if we can, they can easily search this on google and find this exact answer that you copied and pasted on your test probably worth 20% of your grade, then the whole thing is invalid and you get an honor code violation. if you're going to use it, at least HEAVILY edit it. remove some sentences, add some of your own, use synonyms. i wouldn't recommend it though. if not, then just do the second prompt look up the following authors, what they wrote about during the civil war, and their views on it, then write a medium sized paragraph. some points is better than no points because you got caught plagiarizing.
!! ADVICE !! search up : emily dickinson civil war, ambrose bierce civil war, mark twain civil war, kate chopin.
im not going to give you my exact answer as i don't wanna be caught either, but iirc the test isnt timed, spend like 20 mins researching and writing it down, and you'll likely get enough points.
!! ADVICE !! search up : emily dickinson civil war, ambrose bierce civil war, mark twain civil war, kate chopin.
im not going to give you my exact answer as i don't wanna be caught either, but iirc the test isnt timed, spend like 20 mins researching and writing it down, and you'll likely get enough points.
I agree with the above statement
AND PUT IT THROUGH CHECK MY WORK!! so you know that it's in your words and can confidently submit it, the teachers aren't playing they will try and have you removed
If you guys want to use the answer, just take some lines out and then put it through a site called quillbot and paraphrase it. Then you can use Grammarly or plagiarism detector . net to make sure this page or others won't show up.
Hope this helps :))
Hope this helps :))
2022 and it was asked how many years ago? Also just copy the first few sentences and then takes a couple of other sentences and boom done :) also thanks for the help. :3
:') ayo thas my name..also thank you so much!
^ Bro is Han ur real name or are you a SKZ fan???
lol is everyone in cca rn? bruhhh
i have a similar question. I dont know how to respond to it.
C. Consider what you have learned about American history during the period of 1860 to the early 1900s. How do the stories in this unit reflect what was going on in the country then?
if no one knows the answer it fine ! appreciate it
C. Consider what you have learned about American history during the period of 1860 to the early 1900s. How do the stories in this unit reflect what was going on in the country then?
if no one knows the answer it fine ! appreciate it
The similar question you have is up there just scroll up
its not it has a different end to the question if you look closely so im not sure
January of 2023, and I still don't know how to answer this question...
I'm gonna take a chance with the answer above😭😭 wish me luck lmao