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Corwin, on the contrary, argues that authority and power for the president rises from the Constitution itself. Over the course of history, each president’s constitutional powers have been extended in practice by precedent establishment (p.138). Moreover, the Constitution is, at best, Corwin ambiguous in it determination of the power relationship between one institution and the other. Rather than making one branch superior to others, the Founding Fathers sought to disperse power through the notions of separation of powers and checks and balances. In turn, this ambiguous relationship of sharing powers may lead to instances when the presidents seek to expand their power by claiming a prerogative to operate in a particular area. “Corwin argues the Constitution endows the president with prerogative power- which are validated by the Supreme Court” (p138). Corwin believes that “Prerogative is more important to presidential leadership than the use of political resources” (p.2). Prerogative power is granted to the executive to act when necessary, not limited to wartime or times “of urgency” in order to achieve a higher public good (p.138). Here Corwin embraces Theodore Roosevelt’s “stewardship theory”, which calls for an assertive presidency that is confined only at points specifically prohibited by law (p.138).
3 Since his perspective is shaped by years of history and research, Nuestadt views a personalized president like Franklin D. Roosevelt as being the exceptional model among modern presidents (p.124). To be an effective leader a president, in a practical manner, has to be in charge of his schedule and the information reaching him (p.125). He needs to set his own deadlines and be aware of and seek the necessary details. Neustadt claims that FDR was the most effective president at protecting power by using these techniques and taking control of the institution (p.125). His extraordinary experience combined with the fact that he was a politician seeking power allowed him to master the presidency and make a reputation for himself (p.126).
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