Please help me with these questions. I have taken out some of the questions that i was a 100% sure of. I just need you to check for me the ones i'm not too postive about. I would really appreaciate the help!

Thank you in advance.

1. The phenomenon of autocatalysis is involved in a positive feedback loop that activates certain digestive enzymes. Which likely results when the digestive enzymes are activated?
a.)the suppression of other enzymes
b.)additional enzyme activation
c.)a chemical that blocks additional enzyme production<-----
d.)eventual inactivation of the enzymes
e.)a release of hormones that trigger satiety

2. How does nonshivering thermogenesis heat the body?
a.)by increasing cellular respiration<--
b.)by increasing the amount of brown fat an animal has
c.)by increasing the number of mitochondria in the body
d.)by decreasing the rate of metabolism
e.)by decreasing ATP production

3. How is carrying capacity at the population level similar to diffusion at the cellular level?
a.)They both result in a dynamic equilibrium.<----
b.)They both result in a static equilibrium.
c.)They both represent beginning phases of growth.
d.)Neither depends on biotic factors in the environment.
e.)Neither is sustainable over the long term.

4. Which statement accurately contrasts endotherms and ectotherms?
a.)Only endotherms use their own metabolism to regulate temperature.
b.)Only ectotherms use behavior to regulate temperature.
c.)Endotherms always have higher body temperatures than ectotherms.
d.)Endotherms can tolerate larger swings in internal temperatures than ectotherms.<----
e.)Ectotherms must ingest more calories than endotherms.

5. Which best describes the currently accepted structural model of the cell membrane?
a.) a fluid membrane of primarily lipids and a mosaic of carbohydrates.
b.) a dynamic membrane of geometrically arranged lipids interspersed with proteins.<----
c.) a dynamic membrane of irregularly arranged lipids and proteins.
d.) a stiff membrane of immovable proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
e.) a stiff membrane of primarily lipids and a mosaic of proteins.

6. Which is a homeostatic benefit of estivation?
a.)conservation of moisture
b.)protection of territory<----
c.)increased metabolism
d.)increased body temperature
e.)increased pheromone production
7. What is true of apical meristem cells?
a.)They contain all the types of cells of a mature organism.
b.)They undergo gametogenesis.
c.)They contain differentiated cells.<--
d.)They only contain pluripotent cells.
e.)They are made of totipotent cells.

8. Which is true of osmoregulation in aquatic animals?
a.)Most marine invertebrates are osmoregulators.
b.)Most animals are euryhaline.
c.)Freshwater animals have lower internal osmolarities than saltwater animals.<----
d.)Freshwater animals are osmoconformers.
e.)Marine reptiles are osmoconformers.

9. Which cell structure does not function in transporting substances within the cell?
e.)low-density lipoproteins

10. What is phototropism?
a.)growth toward light<----
b.)growth in response to light
c.)seasonal variations in growth
d.)increased growth during photosynthesis
e.)flowering in response to light

11. Why are plant stomata located on the bottoms of leaves?
a.)to have greater sun exposure
b.)to have greater ventilation
c.)to conserve moisture<----
d.)to protect guard cells
e.)to utilize pooling water

12. Which process relies on the presence of a proton gradient?
a.)digestion by lysosomes
b.)digestion by peroxisomes
c.)protein assembly by ribosomes<--
d.)ATP production by mitochondria
e.)biochemical signaling by the nucleus

13. How do plants defend themselves against herbivory?
a.)with phytoalexins
b.)with specific immune responses
c.)though a hypersensitive response
d.)using defense mechanisms<----
e.)with an inflammatory response

14. All excretory systems produce nitrogenous waste. Which of the series of nitrogenous waste forms is organized from the least to most amount of energy they require to create?
a.)uric acid, urea, ammonia
b.)ammonia, urea, uric acid<----
c.)ammonia, uric acid, urea
d.)urea, ammonia, uric acid
e.)urea, uric acid, ammonia
15. Which biological process is not an example of negative feedback?
b.)blood sugar regulation
e.)stomata opening and closing

16. Why is temperature an important abiotic factor for cells?
a.)Cells regulate temperature independent of the extracellular fluid.
b.)Cold temperatures can cause proteins to denature.
c.)Cold temperatures can cause cells to shrivel.
d.)Temperature affects membrane fluidity.<----
e.)Hot temperatures can cause cells to burst.

17. How are water and air different as respiratory mediums?
a.)Water requires an open circulatory system, while air doesn’t.
b.)Ventilation requires less energy in water than air.
c.)Water can require countercurrent exchange, but air doesn’t.
d.)Water has a variable oxygen content, while air has a constant oxygen content.
e.)Gas exchange occurs more readily in water than air.<-----

1 answer

Check previous post!!!!!!