Please help me errors in my paper so I can correct them.
The Lottery takes place on a beautiful summer day in a small town. Although the location of the town, is never given, it appears to be in a rural community. The story begin as a regural summer day, but has a surising ending. In the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson there are three smbols Tessie Hutchinson, Old Man Warner, and the black box.
In the story Tessie Hutchinson first appears to have a carefree attitude. Tessie arrives late to the lottery and jokes about it with Mr. Summers told Tessie, "Thought we were going to have to to get on without you." Tessie stats backs, "Wouldn't have me leave my dishes in the sink now wouls you Joe." After Tessie and Mr. Summers finish joking Mr. Summers started the lottery, and the men all waited on their names to be call, so they could draw a pice of paper from the box. When Bill Hutchinson steps forward and pulls a piece of paper from the box; Tessie encougar him by saying "Get up there Bill" not knowing the end reults that lies ahead for her family and herself. Once everyday pulled and opened the paper it was said by several pepole that Bill has the dot. That is when Tessie changed and become a dynamic charcter. "It wasn't fair," that is the first thing Tessie says and then Ms. Delacroix says,"be a good spot Tessie." As the lottery goes on Tessie wants to puts Eva and Don in the drawing." Daughters draw with their husbands' family Tessie," Mr. Summers said gently. "You Know that as will as anyone else"(50). There are three child Bill Jr., Nancy, Dave, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson all drew from the box. Later after opening the paper it was said that Tessie had the black dot ,which led to her begin stone to death.
Old Man Warner symbolism tradition. He is the oldest person in the village, and the lottery was going on before he was born. "Seventy seven years seventy seven times I've been in the lottery" (Lit.). Old Man Warner, the only one who seems to recall the the seriousness of the occasion, complanies that Mr. Summers jokes with everybody"(Jackson 45) Everybody now in the village do the lottery because it is tradition, and it has been going on for yearss. However, nobody remembers why it was started in the begin. The villagers have all lost sight and the ture meaning of the lottery. "They do focus, however, on its gruesome rather than its symbolic nature, for they "still remember to use stones" even after they have "forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box." (Jackson 45). This shows that the villagers now do the lottery as a rotunie or something that is always done in June. "Although civilzed people may no longer hold lotteries, Jackson's story illlustrates that socitey tendency toward violence ans its tendency to hold onto tradition, even meaningsless, basc tradition, reveal our need for both ritual and belonging."
The black box symbolsm deaths in the story. The box is what is use to hold the paper the men pull from. The oringal box was built by the first set of the villagers. The box now is not even completely black, it has been repaired several times by over the years.
2 answers
Get a good dictionary and check the spelling of words you write:
regural = regular
surising = surprising
Jackson there are = +comma = Jackson, there are
smbols = symbols
That was only paragraph 1 and my eyes are exhausted sliding up and down, up and down. Work on this much and I'm printing out the rest of it so it will be easier to work on it.
In the story, (comma)
either: Mr. Summers who told Tessie
OR: Mr. Summers. He told Tessie (run-on sentence)
to to = to get on
stats backs
wouls = would
joking, Mr. Suymmers
to be call = to be called
pice of paper = piece of paper
encougar = encourages (or encouraged, because you have abeen using the past tense)
there, Bill (comma for direct address)
reults = results
lies ahead (past tense) = lay ahead
everyday = everybdy?
pepole = people
has = had the dot (if you begin telling in the past, stay in the past)
is when = was when
become = became
spot = sport, Tessie = comma for direct address
goes on, Tessie
to puts = put
husbands' means each daughter has more than one husband? = husband's
family, Tessie ()comma for direct address)
Inow = know (is not capitalized)
will = well
child = children, (then name them)
begin = beginning to be stoned
Paragraph 3:
symbolism is a nou n and you need the verb = symbolises
years, seventy seven times
the the = the
complanies = complains
do = does (everybody is singular)
yearss = years (spelling)
begin -= beginning (you need a noun here)
ture = true
rotunie = routine
socitey = society
tendency (is a noun and you need a verb) = tends
basc = basic
Paragraph 4:
symblsm = symbolises
deaths = death (singular)
is use = is used
oringal = original
by over the years = over the years.
May I suggest, with so many errors, that you correct every single one and then repost for final proofreading.
Are you just careless or perhaps dyslectic? If the latter, there are things to help you.