Two approaches to measuring patient outcomes are:
1) Applying process management to occupational medicine – this process involves frequency and timing of patient visits, referral patterns for consultation and diagnostic testing.
2) Communication: physician-employer-patient – when physicians takes the time to call their patient’s employers to report on the patient’s condition, (if after an initial visit, the case does not follow the expected course) or activity status, those physicians not only achieve better outcomes in terms of the amount of disability that their patients incur, they also find an increased degree of satisfaction from both patients and employers.
Health-care workers play very active roles in determining quality care for their patients. Some of these roles are:
1) Care givers make sure that the hospital or facility’s regulatory and monitoring frameworks are sufficient.
2) Health-care workers or providers help to maintain and strengthen the hospital or facility’s strong health and biomedical research infrastructure. 3) Care givers address the insufficient number of qualified health-care workers. 4) They give the consumers sufficient information on indicators of provider quality. 5) Health-care workers help to enhance the hospital or the facility’s health infrastructure. They also ensure its readiness in case of an emergency.
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Please help !! Describe two approches or indicators to measuring patient outcomes. Measuring the quality of care is essential to being able to identify which areas of patient care need improvement .A positive patient outcome is one measurre of quality. What role do health care workers p;ay determining quality of care ?
Please help me find the information I need... checked the web really didn't give any good information.
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