Please excuse me for this, I know it's not well done but please look it over. Thanks
Hola Amigo,
Tú son invitado a una dia fiesta Valentines. En mi casa el 14 de Feburero. El fiesta empezie en desayuo y terminars en cena. Llevar los pijamas a el fiesta a el fiesta. ¡Voy a tener mariachi!
¿Regalos? Muy prefiero mucho dinero, y puede ser una pastel.
3 answers
Oops just noticed now I made an error where "el fiesta" is written twice :/
I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
When you study Spanish, the first thing to keep in mind is: 1) gender (masculine or feminine) and 2) number (singular or plural.)
When addressing someone, a comma is required after Hola, Amigo
When studying verbs, be sure the subject and the conjugated verb match: Tú eres
gender = un día de fiesta de San Valentín.
Days of the week and months of the year are not capitalized plus check spelling in a good dictionary: febrero.
La fiesta empieza (a stem-changing verb e--->ie and it's an -ar verb)
con un desayuno (spelling) y termina con una cena.
Here is a place for a familiar tú com mand = Lleva
a + el = al BUT this word is feminine = a la fiesta.
Probably you will have more than one mariachi? = mariachis.
Drop "Muy" = Yo prefiero.....un pastel (gender)
Con amor (one possibility but not the infinitive amar = to love)
May I suggest that you rewrite the entire paragraph, to be sure you have corrected all the errors. I'll flag this and come back later to check.
When addressing someone, a comma is required after Hola, Amigo
When studying verbs, be sure the subject and the conjugated verb match: Tú eres
gender = un día de fiesta de San Valentín.
Days of the week and months of the year are not capitalized plus check spelling in a good dictionary: febrero.
La fiesta empieza (a stem-changing verb e--->ie and it's an -ar verb)
con un desayuno (spelling) y termina con una cena.
Here is a place for a familiar tú com mand = Lleva
a + el = al BUT this word is feminine = a la fiesta.
Probably you will have more than one mariachi? = mariachis.
Drop "Muy" = Yo prefiero.....un pastel (gender)
Con amor (one possibility but not the infinitive amar = to love)
May I suggest that you rewrite the entire paragraph, to be sure you have corrected all the errors. I'll flag this and come back later to check.