Opinion Essay?
I bet your teacher does not care what the opinion is, my opinion is the is trying to get you to form a thesis, then write some supporting paragraphs for that thesis, and then with a conclusion.
So make your opinion, then a thesis statement, and learn to write. Quit asking others for their opinions.
Please dont remove this question, this is actually a question i have to do for an essay so please help me. What is your opinion about youtube and its community? How does this affect us a society?
I just need help with your opinion or ideas to answer and write my essay. Also this is for reading class.
11 answers
Hmm. YouTube streams music and videos. What aspect of the service are you to have an opinion about? They use algorithms to decide what recordings come up on your screen when you search for something, your browsing history to give you options. Is that good or bad? I don't know what you are to have an opinion about. Should such streaming services exist at all? This is an indistinct, vague assignment. I think it's an exercise to make you express ideas, whatever they are, in writing. You have to write something and make it something a reader can understand. Only you can do that.
Sorry if i'm not clear but she wants us to get information from the public. She wants to your opinion about Youtube video service.Sure this my not belivable but i couldn't believe it too. So please help me i need a lot of information.
As bobpursley has advised, it really doesn't matter what your opinion is. You have to learn to support it in writing in essay form.
Please ask your friends and family. Do not expect answers from Jiskha tutors.
You may get some ideas from some of these articles:
Hmmm -- this is the same person who said his teacher didn't trust most websites for facts about an element.
I'm not sure I trust this post.
I'm not sure I trust this post.
Ms.Sue why can't i not my family doesnt want to help and i dont have friends thats why im asking here and other websites.My Tearcher is very strict and if i do any thing wrong i get a f. The teacher does really care about opinion.
Then you need to get an F because you are asking others to do your thinking and writing for you.
Get off the computer and get busy, thinking and writing.
Get off the computer and get busy, thinking and writing.
yes iam the same person i have two assignments and the teachers that i have are crazy, strict and much more. Thats why i am asking both questions. Also yes i also cant believe it too its redicules
If you hope to write a coherent essay, start with learning spelling and grammar.