Please could somebody explain the difference between tan como and tanto como?

2 answers

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.
What you are working with here is called "Comparasons of Equality." Those of Inequality used más/menos for example, etc. Here are the rules:
1. tan + adjetive or adverb + como =
Examples: Ella no es tan pobre como tú = She is not as poor as you.
Mi coche corre tan rápidamente (or short form adverb = rápido) como el suyo. = My car runs as fast as his/hers/yours(for Ud.)
The reason is that an adverb (tan) modified either an adjective or another adverb.

2. tanto (-a, -os, -as) + noun + como = as much OR as
Examples: Esta vaca da tanta leche como aquélla. = This cow gives as much milk as that one (over there).
Recibió tantos juguetes como pidió. = He received (or She/You=Ud.) as many toys as he (she/you) asked for.
The reason is that an adjective (tanto, -a, -os, -as) modifies a noun with the same number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) as the noun(s).

3. tanto (-a, -os, -as) (pronoun) + como = as much OR as
Examples: Leímos tanto como ellos. = We read AS MUCH AS they (did).

The major mistake students make is to look at "AS MUCH AS" and think it is TAN MUCHO COMO. Learn right now that THERE IS NO SUCH THING (except as an error on student's papers!)

Of course there are many more things involved with Comparisons, but this is the essential of what you need right now.

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