Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Actually I gave you an "in depth" lesson on both the Single-Object Pronoun and then the Double-Object Pronoun.
Did you study them? I wa w aiting for question you might have, but didn't see any.
Affirmative commands = verb + object pronouns + written accent marks.
Negative commands = No, + object pronouns + verb, rarely with a written accent mark.
Now for the correction:
1. ACCENTS! Pónganselos = No se los pongan. NOTE: You can NOT have BOTH positions = before AND after the verb. The model had 2 object pronouns. You must pick them BOTH up and put them in front.
2. Ciérrlas = no las cierre
NOTE: If you need to know how to make accent marks with your computer, I need to know if you have a PC or a MAC, Windows or not. I have a MAC and it's so much easier to make accent marks than with a PC!
3. Espérenme = No me esperen (going from "wait for me" to "don't wait for me." Why were you lost on this one? The main verb is esperar = to wait for / to hope.
4. Enséñeselas = No se las enseñe.
5. Dígame = No me diga (lo que = what and is NOT an object pronoun here)
6. Cuéntamelo = No me lo cuentes. You saw the tú affirmative to give the tú negative, with the vowel change + s.
7. Véndemelos = No me los vende
Actually you got the first ones so I can't see why you suddenly stopped giving answers!
8. Dígame = No me diga
9. Piénsalo = No lo pienses (again tú command with vowel change)
10. Píntela = No la pinte
11. OK, I stop right here! Now, find the pattern, restudy the indepth lessons from the other day, and YOU try the rest! Then I'll check them for you.
Please correct my work please: This is what I'm working on: Command form(imperative mood)negative familiar/polite. I have to change the following affirmative commands to the negative form. (write the word no, the object pronoun(s), and the negative command in the spaces to the right.Please help:
Ponganselos ahora:
= No los ponganlos ahora
Cierrelas antes de salir
= no las cierre antes de salir
Esperenme depues de la clase
(I'm lost)
Enseneselas a ella
= No se las ensene a ella
Digame lo que paso
Cuentamelo ahora
Vendemelos a buen precio
Digame la verdad
Piensalo antes de hacerlo
Pintela de negro
Enciendamela ahora
Inscribete en ese curso
Quitatelos antes de comer
Repitesela al chofer
Llevalo al cine esta tarde
Desela al nino
I know you won't help me with everything. So could you give me a mini lesson when doing these exercises.
1 answer