Please correct my work please: This is what I'm working on: Command form(imperative mood)negative familiar/polite. I have to change the following affirmative commands to the negative form. (write the word no, the object pronoun(s), and the negative command in the spaces to the right. I have to finish this before the end of this week. Please help.

1. Hágalos en la clase.-------

2. Llévalo a tu casa.---------

3. Escribqle la carta ahora----------

4.Quitese la chaqueta .-----------------

5. Cierrelas antes de salir--------------

6. Ponganlos ahora.--------------

1. No lo haga en la clase.
2. No lo lleves a tu casa.
3. No le escribas la carta ahora.
4. No se quite la chaqueta.
5. No las cierre antes de salir.
6. No los pongan ahora.

1 answer

#1 = The basic sentence uses "los" so you must too = No los haga...

#2 = fine

#3 = typo in "Escribqle" = Escríb?le. It is important to know if you see the tú command "Escríbele" or the formal "Escríbale" because I have no way of knowing if "No le escribas" is correct or not.

#4 = Quítese does become "No se quite."

#5 = Ciérrelas d oes become "No las cierre..."

#6 = Pónganlos = you MUST put the accent marks or it is con sidered totally wrong! Then your answer is correct.
