Please check this sentence for grammar.
Après que l’invité est venu, il a vu que le chat a dormi sur le lit.
4 answers
Please post in English what you're trying to say.
I think I'll tweak my French sentence a bit.
Après que l’invité est venu à la maison, il a vu que le chat a dormi sur le lit.
"After the guest came home, he saw that the cat slept on the bed."
Après que l’invité est venu à la maison, il a vu que le chat a dormi sur le lit.
"After the guest came home, he saw that the cat slept on the bed."
Thanks. I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
You can also shorten the sentence by using the preposition rather than the conjunction = Après être venu l'invité à la maison, il a vu que le chat a dormi sur le lit (had already slept on the bed) vs was sleeping on the bed = dormait.
I'll flag this and come back later in case you have other questions.
Sra (aka Mme)
I'll flag this and come back later in case you have other questions.
Sra (aka Mme)