Please check the 6 questions with my answers. Thank you.
Social Political Economic? For each of the following statements, determine whether the statement is Social, Political, and/or Economic in nature. Some statements can be two or more types.
1. "The federal government took over the postal system, customs and courts. The 1900 Organic Act. . .stipulated that streets had to be named and houses numbered, and that businesses pay federal taxes."
My answer: Political
2. "So when the isolated sugar plantations needed water, they bored through mountains, built elaborate waterways across valleys, and revolutionized the growing of sugar cane."
My answer: Economic
3. "Wood was also needed to support the growing port towns that supplied the whalers."
My answer: Economic
4. "In Japan, hana mean 'flower'. In Hawaii, hana mean 'work'. How you goin ho hana in kimono? We get plenny work."
My answer: Social
5. "Sugar was by far the principal support of the Islands, and profits and prosperity hinged on favorable treaties with the United States."
My answer: Economic, Political
6. "Many Hawaiian League members belonged to a volunteer militia, the Honolulu Rifles, which was officially in service to the Hawaiian government, but was secretly the league's military arm."
My answer: Political
Thank you tutors for reviewing the questions and my answers.
3 answers
#3 - what social need? Economic, yes. You may be right, but I'm not sure what your thinking is.
All the others I agree with.
For #1, it wouldn't be easy to find out where somebody lived before houses and businesses had street numbers, so I'm going to have to say you are hinting about it also being Social? You confused me with where the butcher shop was, are you also saying it is Economical?
For #3, I decided with social because of the term "whalers" people from a community or/of a society. Just a complete guess.