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1) How did replacing Roosevelt's secretary of the interior cause a dispute between Taft and the progressives?

A: Replacing Roosevelt's secretary of the interior, James R. Garfield, an agressive conservationist, with Richard A. Ballinger, a more conservative corporate lawyer, caused a dispute between Taft and the progressives because Taft's action made many progressives unhappy; they disliked Ballinger. Suspicion of Ballinger grew when he tried to make nearly a million acres of public forests and mineral reserves available for private development.

2) How did progressivism change American beliefs about the federal government?

A: Progressivism made important political changes in the United States. Most Americans did not expect the government to pass laws protecting workers or regulating big businesses. By the end of the Progressive era, however, both legal and public opinion had shifted. Increasingly, Americans expected the government, particularly the federal government, to play a more active role in regulating the economy and solving social problems.

3) Why did President Wilson intervene in Mexico?

A: President Wilson's policy of Moral Diplomacy forced him to become involved in the Mexican revolution. He believed the United States had the moral obligation to discriminate between good and bad governments and intervene to put good people in power.

4) Name two alliances that Europe was divided into at the start of World War I.

A: At the start of the war, Eruope was divided into the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.

5) Why did most of President Wilson's cabinet members support the British?

A: Most of President Wilson's cabinet members supported the British because they believed that an Allied victory was the only way to preserve the international balance of power.

6) Describe the contributions of African Americans during the war.

A: Many African American soldiers fought with distinction in the war. For example, the African American 92nd and 93rd Infantry Divisions fought in bitter battles along the Western Front. The entire 396th Infrantry Regiment won the highly prized French decoration, the Croix de Guerre, for gallantry in combat.

7) What problems did President Taft have with progressives on tariff issues?

A: President Taft had several problems with progressives on tariff issues. One issue was the struggle with progressives over Speaker of the House Joseph G. Cannon. Progressives wanted to unseat Cannon because he often blocked their legislation. Taft disagreed with the effort to unseat Cannon, pressuring progressive Republicans into stopping their campaign against Cannon. In exchange, Cannon quickly pushed a new tariff bill through the House of Representatives. Taft's compromise angered many progressives. The following year, they defied the president by joining with House Democrats and removing Cannon from power. Taft further alienated progressives when the tariff bill went to the Senate. The result was the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which cut tariffs hardly at all and actually raised them on some goods. After much discussion, Taft decided to accept the new tariff. Progressives felt betrayed and outraged by Taft's decision.

8) How did President Taft's accomplishments regarding conservation ad trustbusting compare to President Roosevelt's?

A: Although Roosevlt was nicknamed the "trustbuster," Taft was a strong supporter of competition and actually brought twice as many antitrust cases in four yeats as his predecessor had in seven. In other areas, too, Taft was at least as strong a progressive as Roosevelt. Taft established the Children's Bureau, a federal agency similar to Roosevelt's Bureau of Corporations. Taft also supported the Mann-Elkins Act of 1910, which increased the regulatory powers of the ICC. The Ballinger-Pinchot controversy aside, Taft was aslo a dedicated conservationist. His contributions in this area actually equaled or surpassed those of Roosevelt. Taft set up the Bureau of Mines to monitor the activities of mining companies, expanded the national forests, and protected waterpower sites from private development.

1 answer

Ms. Sue may have a comment, too, but your answers are very good. You are still, however, overlooking the Mexican raid on the United States that prompted Wilson's invasion of Mexico.