Please check my answers.

1. All societies use technology, but the chief characteristic of postmodern societies is technology that increase the ability to
A. Use fossil fuels more efficiently
B. Analyze information, communicate, and travel*
C. Employ more people in the primary economic sector
D. Use worked in the secondary sector of the economy

2. The sociologist who conducted extensive research on varying rates of suicide within a specific country and among different countries was
A. Emile Durkheim*
B. Karl Marx
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Wright Mills

3. The philosophy that biology is not destiny and that stratification by gender is wrong and should be resisted is referred to as
A. Matriarchy
B. Exchange theory
C. Neo-Marxism
D. Feminism*

4. In the eighteenth century, executioners wore black hoods to conceal their identities and separate their actions from a sense of being a good and moral person. Such an action is referred to as
A. Selective perception
B. Subjugation
C. Compartmentalization*
D. Apartheid

5. Which statement is least accurate regarding deviance and conformity?
A. Deviance is a violation of social norms
B. The primary factor that determines if a behavior is deviant is the action itself*
C. What is deviant to one social group may be considered normal to another
D. Society often conveys conflicting messages of what constitutes deviance

6. Regina lives in a society in which children are related to their fathers relatives but not their mothers relatives. This system of descent is termed _______ descent.
A. Bilateral
B. Unilateral
C. Patrilateral*
D. Matrilineal

7. Sometimes people become even more deviant in response to being labeled as deviant. This occurs because
A. Some people are naturally deviant
B. Deviance is functional for the society
C. The deviance becomes trivialized
D. The label becomes a part of the person's self-concept*

8. A social class is a category of people who share similarities in which attribute(s)?
A. Intelligence
B. Religion
C. Age, race, and gender
D. Wealth, power, and prestige*

9. Politicians simultaneously want to reassure the public that we are safe from terrorism and increase security, but the very process of enhancing security reminds us that we are
A. Unreasonable
B. Fallible
C. Well protected
D. Unsafe*

10. Of the following factors, the one that is most significant in determining what constitutes childhood is
A. The age of a child
B. The culture of society*
C. A child's parents
D. The responsibilities a child is given

11. The process by which people learn from one another, adopting some part of the others way of life is referred to as
A. Cultural diffusion*
B. Discovery
C. Reformulation
D. Technological innovation

12. In _______ societies, power shifted from the heads of families and clans to a ruling elite, which resulted in greater inequality.
A. Hunting and gathering
B. Agricultural*
C. Horticultural
D. Pastoral

13. A society in which employers use diplomas and degrees as sorting devices to determine who is eligible for a job is called a
A. Credential society*
B. Meritocracy
C. Bureaucracy
D. Democracy

14. Groups that organize on the basis of some mutual interest, such as the Girl Scouts, Knights of Columbus, and labor unions are classified as
A. Primary groups
B. In-groups
C. Bureaucracy
D. Voluntary associations*

15. Sam is a factory foreman who manages the work of seven machinists in his department. According to Gilbert and Kahl's update of Weber's model of social class, Sam would be classified as
A. A worker
B. Upper middle class*
C. Lower middle class
D. Working class

13 answers

Agree on all except 15.
All correct but #15
For number 15 it's lower middle class C everything else is right.
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. D

These are the correct answers for the Introduction to Sociology Course Review Quiz.
The last one is completely wrong I only got one right because of them
Each test is in different orders! M is correct expect 15 is lower middle class!
got 15/15 with Ms answer. except #15 for them was #10 for me and it's lower middle class! thank you :))
Introduction to sociology course review

1.Voluntary associations (D)
2. Wealth,power,and prestige (D)
3. Agricultural (B)
4. Cultural diffusion (A)
5. feminism (D)
6. The label becomes part of..(D)
7. Unsafe(D)
8. Emile Durkheim (A)
9. The primary factor that..(B)
10. Patrilateral (C)
11. The culture of a society (B)
12. Compartmentalization (C)
13. Analyze information...(B)
14. Lower middle class (C)
15. Credential society (A)

100% :)!!
all are correct on m's answers! they are all just in different order. go through your questions and just match them up
15. Sam is a factory foreman who manages the work of seven machinists in his department. According to Gilbert and Kahl's update of Weber's model of social class, Sam would be classified as
A. A worker
B. Upper middle class
C. Lower middle class***
D. Working class
Y'all made me fail two times I got a 26.66. This cap
Bru i got a 20