PLEASE check my answer this is my last test and i d not want to mess up PLEASE
1. Which sentence contains an opinion? (1 point)
Thomas Jefferson supported American independence from Great Britain.
He was a lawyer in his home state of Virginia.
Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence, the most important document in history.••
He became the third president of the United States of America and served two terms.

People have been making maps for hundreds of years. Christopher Columbus used maps when he sailed to the "New World." At that time, most people thought Earth was flat, and all of the maps they used were flat, too. Of course, Columbus's maps were not accurate, but would you be surprised to know that the maps we use today still have inaccuracies?
Today, even though we know that Earth is almost round, most of the world maps we see are flat. Consequently, it is impossible to represent Earth without some kind of error. Some flat maps do not show distances correctly. Others have errors in directions or in the sizes and shapes of land forms.
A globe, on the other hand, is very accurate. Many people do not consider a globe to be a map, but that is precisely what it is. Because it comes closer to the real shape of Earth, a globe can show direction, distance, size, and shape with great accuracy.
Use the selection to answer the questions.
2. What is the main idea of the selection? (1 point)
Most people do not consider globes to be maps.
The maps that Christopher Columbus used were not accurate.
Flat maps have errors in the shapes of land forms.••
Globes, unlike flat maps, provide an accurate map of the world.
3. Which detail from the selection best supports the main idea you identified in the previous question?
(1 point)
Because it comes closer to the real shape of Earth, a globe can show direction, distance, size, and shape with great accuracy.
Today, even though we know that Earth is almost round, most of the world maps we see are flat. Some flat maps do not show distances correctly.•• Others have errors in directions or in the sizes and
shapes of landforms.
Of course, Columbus's maps were not accurate, but would you be surprised to know that the maps we use today still have inaccuracies?
Walking for Fitness and Fun
Walking Is for Everyone
Walking is a popular form of exercise, and it is growing more popular each year. Walking is good for every age group: The rate of participation does not decline in the middle and later years. In a national survey, the highest percentage of regular walkers for any group was among men 65 years of age and older.
Walking: The Slow and Sure Way to Fitness
People walk for many reasons: for exercise, for enjoyment, for solitude, or simply for transportation. No matter the reason, though, people who are walking are getting great exercise. When walkers maintain a good brisk pace and walk on a regular basis, there are definite health advantages. Some of these include lowered resting heart rate, gradual weight loss, and reduced blood pressure. Briskly walking one mile in fifteen minutes burns as many calories as jogging the same distance in eight and one-half minutes.
Walking: Convenient and Inexpensive
Walking is an easy exercise regimen. You can do it almost anytime. You can do it almost anywhere. There is no special equipment needed. And it does not cost anything. No matter what your age or condition, walking can make you healthier and happier.
Use the selection to answer the question.
4. What words does the author use to emphasize that walking is an inexpensive activity? (1 point)
People walk for many reasons...
Walking is an easy exercise regimen.
You can do it almost anywhere.
And it does not cost anything.••
Use the selection to answer the question.
5. Each paragraph in this selection focuses on (1 point)
a main idea and supporting details••
causes and effects
chronological events

1 While television can be entertaining and educational, it also has a dark side, especially for children. On average, children spend nearly 4 hours a day watching television. The harmful effects of television viewing far outweigh any benefits.
2 Doing poorly in school is one negative effect of too much television. One study found that children who watch 10 hours or more of TV each week are less skilled at reading and less successful in school. These children watch television instead of reading, doing homework, pursuing hobbies, and getting enough sleep. In fact, watching too much television can lead to sleep disorders in children and teenagers. And this is not the only health problem TV viewing can cause. Children who are watching television are not getting any exercise. In addition, they are bombarded by commercials that unethical sponsors use to tempt them with unhealthy snack foods and drinks. No wonder children who watch more television are more likely to be overweight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that the rate of obesity was highest among children who watched 4 or more hours of TV a day, and lowest among children watching an hour or less a day.
3 Parents can make a difference. They can limit television watching to no more than 1–2 hours a day. They can watch public television, rent quality videos, or record programs and leave out the commercials. They can encourage their children to explore other options such as playing, reading, participating in sports, or learning a hobby. And, most important of all, they can set a good example.
Use the editorial to answer the questions.
6. The author organizes the selection using what type of structure? (1 point)
7. What statement from the selection supports your answer to the previous question? (1 point)
On average, children spend nearly 4 hours a day watching television.
While television can be entertaining and educational, it also has a dark side, especially for children.
They can watch public television, rent quality videos, or record programs and leave out the commercials.
In fact, watching too much television can lead to sleep disorders in children and teenagers.••

Use the selection to answer the question.
8. What statement summarizes the author’s main point of view? (1 point)
Watching television can be harmful to children.••
Advertisers should not be allowed to target children with commercials.
There are many benefits to watching television at a young age.
Exercising is a more worthwhile pursuit than watching television.
I began a written correspondence with my grandmother when I was a young child. We did not live within visiting distance, and writing was a way for us to “visit” each week. Sunday was the day she would rest from her labors on the farm. Taking her dime store pad of paper and a pencil she had no doubt sharpened with a paring knife, she would share her week with me in written words. Perhaps she had worked on her tatting or a new quilt pattern. She might have spent a day weeding and ing the garden or washing and hanging laundry on the line to dry. Each week’s letter captured her work and the details of her life. Through these letters I learned the value and satisfaction of hard work, patience, diligence in accomplishing what needed to be done, and self-reliance at being able to do something yourself.
Use the selection to answer the questions.
9. This selection is an example of (1 point)
reflective writing••
expository writing
persuasive writing
humorous writing
11. Which word best completes the sentence? (1 point)
(1 point)
We thought we knew everything about gorillas, but then we made an amazing _______.
12. Which vocabulary word best fits with the following group of words? (1 point) question, interrogate, ask
13. Identify the principal part of the underlined verb. (1 point) Steven and I are going to the 10 o’clock show.
present participle••
past participle
14. In the following sentence, which word joins with jackets to create a compound subject? (1 point) Your jackets and boots will be needed in the wind and rain this weekend.
15. Identify the simple predicate in this sentence.
The great team of doctors and scientists discovered the cure to the disease.
great team
doctors and scientists
(1 point)

16. The Latin root sol means "alone." What is the meaning of the word isolate in the following sentence?
The doctor told Mr. Kamp to isolate Ella from the rest of his children so Ella’s illness would not spread to them.
place outside of the home
keep separate from others••
put everyone together in one place make everyone leave a specific place
(1 point)
2 answers