please check my answer thanks

I need to write at least one paragraph regaurding this

Urinalysis is a very commo diagnostic test. Describe and name the poddible abnormal results related to the test.. indicate the disorders tha these abnormal test results may sugguest.

My answer

Mr Jones went to his doctor because for the past few day he has been having frequent burining uriation. The doctor order a urinalysis. The urine was cloudy and yeallow in color with a strong oodor. Test results revealed that there was some bacteria noted. These abnormal test results suggest that Mr Jones has a UTI

This is what I have so far please check this over and give me any ideas that you may have thanks again

3 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Be sure to check spelling/typos, etc. Line 1 "commo" needs an "n" = "common" and "poddible" is probably "possible" plus "tha" is "that."

In your answer, "Mr" needs a period = "Mr." "day" is "days" "burin ing" is "burning" "yeallow" is "yellow" "oodor" is "odor" and a period at the end of the sentence.

Also, a urine alysis test will tell if someone has gout (too much pruines) or kidney failure (creatin) for two more examples.
NOTE: My creatin should be "creatine."
It is understandable that cash makes people disembarrass. But how to act when someone doesn't have money? The one way is to receive the home loans and car loan.