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8. An entry in the New World Encyclopedia. The entry is called Parent Education. It is written by M. S. Fisher. It was published in 2003.
Fisher, M.S. Parent Education. Encyclopedia New World. 2003. Print.
9. An essay appeared in the journal called College English. It was written by Tyrus Hillway. It is called The Present Status of Advanced Composition and Rhetoric. It appeared in volume 16, September 2001 and was on pages 177, 178, and 179.
Hillway, Tyrus. The Present Status of Advanced Composition and Rhetoric. College English Vol. 16. (177-79) 201. Print.
10. An article in the Detroit Free Press is written by Samuel Butler. The essay title is This Is Her Final Year on the City Council. It appeared on pages 3 and 16 in section C. The date was May 2 2005.
Butler, Samuel. This Is Her Final Year on the City Council. (Sec. C 3,16) Detroit, 2005. Print.
11. An article appeared in U. S. News & World Report on February 25 in 2001. It was on pages 18, 19, 20, and 33, 34, 35. The title was Hard Times: These Are the Worst Years of Your Financial Life. No author was listed.
Hard Times: These Are the Worst Years of Your Financial Life. U. S. News & World Report (18-20, 33-35), 2001. Print.

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