1. word order for question is: question word/interrogative (if there is one) + conjugated verb + subject + information. In other words, "inversion" for question word order. Voyez-vous (OR Vois-tu) ce que je vois?
2. "Feeling" is not clear, as there is no subject. Is this feeling with senses? Then it is toucher. Is it feeling with hands, emotion, etc.? Sentant chaud chaud chaud.
3. Détandant dans le soleil. Again, is it relax as in "loosen, stretch out" or "loosen, release?" Anything taken out of context (or exactly how it is used) may not be translated correctly!
4. Au moins (OR Du moins), il ne pleut pas à seaux.
5. J'ai peur de hauteurs. (Je m'effraye de hauteurs.)
6. Xavier(?) Rover can be "vagabond!" but "hang on" is a command, either familiar or formal = se cramponner (à) or s'accrocher (à) = cramponnez-vous/cramponne-toi or accrochez-vous/accroche-toi.
7. Qu'il neige. (Que la neige tombe = let the snow fall?)
8. Freezing as a noun? as an adjective? noun = congélation but adjective = glacial. to freeze as a verb = geler.
It would be most interesting to know what Level French you are in, your textbook, etc.!
Sra (aka Mme)
Please can you check these translations?
1.Do you see what I see?
2.Feeling hot hot hot!
3.Relaxing in the sun.
4.At least it's not raining cats and dogs!
5.I'm scared of heights!
6.Rover, hang on!
7.Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
1. vous faire voit que je vois ?
2. se sentant chaud chaud chaud !
3. relâchant dans le soleil.
4. au moins il ne pleut pas de chat et des chiens !
5. je m a effrayé de hauteurs !
6. Xavier, pendre sur !
7. il permettre de neiger, il permet de neige, il permet de neige.
8. g-g-gelant !
3 answers
The task was to write captions for weather pictures
Depending upon the level of French you are in and the textbook, always try to use the grammar and vocabulary you have studied.
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)