Please answer each of the following questions in paragraph form. You should write one short paragraph for each response. Be sure to fully explain your answers using support from the text.

1. What do you think has happened to the narrator to make him feel this way? Support your answer.
2. If you had to describe the narrator to someone based on the information gleaned from this reading, how would you describe him?
3. Why has Coupland included graphics in this narrative? Are they effective? Why or why not?

Things that Fly

Typically, short stories at this level do not contain pictures. The story you are about to read has eleven graphics spread throughout the reading. While you are reading, be sure to consider the effect of the images. Why did Coupland use them in this narrative?
Douglas Coupland is modern writer who is still writing fiction today. You will learn more about him by reading his short biography that follows the story.

Please read Things that Fly on page 143 in Imprints. When you have finished reading, complete the next key question.

3 answers

I am working on the same question now, I was wondering if you were taking ENG4U as well(booklet with few chapters in it) do you have the answers? Thanxxx
Please read Things that Fly on page 143 in Imprints. When you have finished reading, complete the next key question.

Please answer each of the following questions in paragraph form. You should write one short paragraph for each response. Be sure to fully explain your answers using support from the text.

1. What do you think has happened to the narrator to make him feel this way? Support your answer.
2. If you had to describe the narrator to someone based on the information gleaned from this reading, how would you describe him?
3. Why has Coupland included graphics in this narrative? Are they effective? Why or why not?