Pleae check for any comma errors or capialization.If I need to add or delete any commas, please let me know where. Thank you!!

You are invited to our private inventory sale, beginning on Wednesday, June 1 through Saturday, June 12.
It is a Kingston tradition to feature on of our most important sales of the year prior to taking inventory. Since our fiscal year ends on June 30, we would rather sale the merchandise then count it.
This is your opportunity to save from 10 percent to 60 percent on all of the furniture, lamps, pictures, accessories, bedspreads, pillows, floor covering, fabrics, sleepers, and beddings hat are presently in stock. You may also save and additional five percent for cash and carry items.
We have ordered new American traditional furniture floor samples by Pennsylvania house; therefore we are closing out many items that are presently in stock. You may save 25 percent or more on American traditional furniture that are currently in stock. This sale will be advertised to the public beginning on Monday, June 14. Bring this letter and take advantage of this early buying privilege.

3 answers

"to feature on of our" = feature one...

"we would rather sale the merchandise" = rather sell (sale = noun / sell = verb)

"save and additional five " save an

"Pennsylvania house;" = House (it's part of the title of the company)

"furniture that are currently " = furniture that is (singular)

comma after "June 1"

"to feature on of our most important sales" = ??

"we would rather sale the merchandise then count it" = ??

"and beddings hat are presently" = ??

"save and additional five percent" = ??

"samples by Pennsylvania house" = ??

comma after "therefore"

"traditional furniture that are currently in stock" = ??
thanks so much....there are two other posts that i did that has not been check can u check them for me