The ICD-9-CM codes would be 162.9 and 511.81. According to ICD-9 codes you would code the neoplasm first. You will find 162.9 under neoplasm of bronchus and lung.
The first CPT code would be 32421, thoracentisis , puncture of pleural cavity. I am still trying to find the CPT code for the second procedure. I hi\ope this helps you
Physician performed an aspiration thoracentesis on a patient in observation status in the hospital. The patient has advanced lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion. Later the same day, due to continued accumulation of fluid. the patient was returned to the procedure room and the same physician performed a repeat thoracentesis, Report diagnosis and procedure codes, do not report observation codes....
What are the ICD-9CM and CPT codes, and assign the correct codes and modifier for this encounter???? anyone please help.
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