People don't buy from local merchants

Local people don't have jobs
Prices may be higher
People aren't self-sufficient

What other disadvantages have you thought of?

# geography (grade 6) - Ryan, Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 9:55pm

interest rate goes up and people stop shopping

# geography (grade 6) - Ryan, Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 10:02pm

what about international trade destroys jobs in wealthy advanced countries. This is due to the lower costs of wages in developing countries. Multinationals will move to areas of lower wage levels at the drop of a hat e.g. Fruit of the Loom. Also this ability to relocate has meant that wage levels of unskilled workers in developed countries has actually fallen relatively speaking. This is down to the fact that one now needs skill and knowledge in developed economies to survive.

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