question: What factors determine the swing rate of a pendulum?
prediction: ? I don't get it, It says write a prediction about what factor(s) you think will affect the swing rate and how these factor(s) might affect the swing rate.
4 answers
We made a pendulum by tying one end of a piece of string to a paper clip(twisted to form a hook) and the other end to the clamp. Then we just put a weight on the hook. 100g and 200g.
Please see the later post on "pendulum" for help.
oh, okay, I have one question though, was the prediction supposed to be written like a hypothesis or just regularly wording?
How would I write the hypothesis? ..
If the pendulum is heavy, then its frequency is going to be slower.
Correct me if I'm wrong, thank you
If the pendulum is heavy, then its frequency is going to be slower.
Correct me if I'm wrong, thank you