Passe compose again,

last time SraJMcGin, you give me 4 situations where Past particples agree in gender and number, I get that part, I want to ask for verbs that need to agree, do you always just add e or s (feminine and plural) no matter what the verb's ending is?

Like descendu and descendue, nous sommes descendu(e)s?
je suis parti, je suis partie?

Are these correct?

2 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. It looks like you have the idea. When the past participle must agree in number and gender, here is what you add to the past participle ending:

feminine singular = -e (partie)(descendue)(morte)(allée)
masculine plural = -s = (partis)(descendus)(morts)(allés)
feminine plural = -es (parties)(descendues)(mortes)(allées)

thanks a lot for your help.