Part A
First, go watch this Ted Talk given by a teenage girl, Ilana, on the positive and negative effects of technology on teenagers. Now, open a word processing document and answer the following questions:
1. Identify three arguments or claims that Ilana made during her talk.
2. Did she include sufficient evidence to back up her arguments?
3. Was there any irrelevant information that she talked about?
4. How does Ilana’s talk contribute to the bigger topic of technology being both beneficial and harmful? (i.e., did she add any new information or perspective to the topic?)
Submit your word processing document using this unit’s dropbox.
Part B
Some studies have suggested that the higher the use of social media, the higher the rates of loneliness and depression. Do you agree or disagree? Make a claim and use sufficient evidence to support your argument. But instead of writing a paper, you will use an audio or video recording device to record your answer. Make sure to use appropriate eye contact and voice volume.
Submit your recording using this unit’s dropbox.
1 answer