exponential growth: dandelions
decay: garbage
Part 1: How are exponential growth and decay present in the real world? Give at least 2 examples for exponential growth and 2 examples of exponential decay.
Part 2: View and comment on the work of at least 2 other students. Try to choose students whose work is based on different real-world examples than the ones you chose.
19 answers
can you explane it ms. sue
exponential growth means that the rate of increase is proportional to the present amount. As more and more dandelions spread their seeds, the patch grows faster and faster, since each new flower contributes more new flowers to the population.
Same for decay. As the amount decaying shrinks, there is less and less to contribute to the disintegration. Radioactivity is a common instance, but maybe not quite so available in everyday life.
Same for decay. As the amount decaying shrinks, there is less and less to contribute to the disintegration. Radioactivity is a common instance, but maybe not quite so available in everyday life.
Thx Steve
You could switch dandelions out for any other type of plant or flower that produces a lot.
shut up
Thx so much Steve and Kay. I needed just an idea to get started, but this is truly a help.
And stop posting nasty answers, otherwise I can be worse than YOU.
And stop posting nasty answers, otherwise I can be worse than YOU.
that was to mean people
And the Anonymouses above me isn't ME. If you just submit an answer without a username, you will automatically get Anonymous as your name. The two above me are mine, but whoever else was making fun of good ol' Steve...I'm WARNING YOU.
And I KNOW the person who just made fun of Steve. He disappeared. I don't know where.
And I KNOW the person who just made fun of Steve. He disappeared. I don't know where.
idek i just wanna be apart of this arguent lol
I believe it's also applicable to loans
From the general form of the explanation equation, when does the factor of "b" becomes an exponential growth and becomes an exponential decay?
this was SO much help
pur @Anonymous
ate that
dude. What happened here?
Can you guys not get so mad for no reason? Just shut up.
Can you guys not get so mad for no reason? Just shut up.
so many g-g-girls…
1. We are more aware of environmental issues today. The longer certain food sits out in the sun at a picnic, the more bacteria grows on it. It might still look good, but with higher temperatures the bacteria grows more quickly. 2. The more someone with a bad cold sneezes and touches things, the faster it will spread to another person. 1. When paper is left out in the elements (bad weather) it will deteriorate (decay) and dissolve until it is gone. 2. When a apple grows on it's tree, then falls and slowly rots away. Decay