paragraph using the following words proprietary colony, royal colony, religious dissenters, puritans, and toleration.

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Please hell me with a paragraph using these words
The newly acquired, or obtained, colony
of New York became a proprietary colony,
in which the owner, or proprietor, owned
the land and controlled the government. The
Duke of York gave the southern part of his
colony to two men, who named it New Jersey.
For several decades, or ten-year spans, New
Jersey was a proprietary colony. In 1702, it
became a royal colony, one owned and ruled
directly by the king. Many colonists in New England and the
Middle Colonies were religious dissenters,
those who followed a faith other than the official religion of England, the Anglican religion.
For example, the founders of Massachusetts
were called Puritans, because they wanted to
reform, or purify, the Anglican Church. These Puritans also considered themselves Pilgrims, or people on a
religious journey. The rulers of Massachusetts
did not believe in toleration, or acceptance,
of other religions.