How about this one?
I want to buy a new car that runs well, but I have an itch to buy a new one. If you need a car, but don't have much money, I'll sell you my car. It's a win-win situation. You get a reasonably-priced car that you need. I get some money for the car so that I can buy a new one.
Out of Stephen Coveys 7 habits. I see 4. "Think win-win" to being the most valuable.
what is an good example for his Think win-win habit?
2 answers
Helping others is typically a "win-win" situation. Often others reciprocate, when you need help.
Even if they don't, you usually feel better about yourself, and may develop a sense of purpose or a feeling that you can make a positive difference.
By the way, just genuinely smiling at others can be "win-win." Usually it is returned. It can put both you and the others in a better mood.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
Even if they don't, you usually feel better about yourself, and may develop a sense of purpose or a feeling that you can make a positive difference.
By the way, just genuinely smiling at others can be "win-win." Usually it is returned. It can put both you and the others in a better mood.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.