Ottawa replied that it will make “climate-related investments in innovative technologies” to improve environmental performance in the oil sands, a pledge Ms. Metivier reiterated Thursday. Ms. Metivier said many of the regulations imposed by the federal government “were designed with a long-term view in mind” – with the most significant GHG reductions coming after the 2020 target date.
She also noted that Alberta has a new government – Premier Rachel Notley’s New Democratic Party – which will soon announce its plan to renew existing GFHG regulations, which impose a $15 a tonne levy on oil sand emissions that exceed a regulated limit.
The Harper government had proposed regulations in the oil sands as recently as two years ago, but now says it will only act when the U.S. adopts similar regulations for its oil and gas sector.
Ottawa recently announced plans to regulate methane emissions in the oil and gas sector – which largely occur outside the oil sands – as well as natural-gas fired power plants and chemical and fertilizer manufacturing. But Ms. Metivier could not say what impact those measures would have, saying that won’t be known until the regulations are finalized.
Sorry can someone reword this for me?
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