The biggest factor, in my opinion, is peer pressure to ignore school. Sometimes that pressure is also fostered by parents.
Speaking English as a second language also may have a detrimental effect, although many ESL students are outstanding students.
Which two have you chosen?
Other than the obvious obstacles of prejudice and discrimination (such as, boys getting more attention than girls; minorities in poor schools; and so forth), name two other factors that have the potential to prevent equality in education. Elaborate on the two you choose.
3 answers
I had a student once so fat she could not sit in any school desk. The girl had to be topping 400 lbs. She had no friends, was withdrawn. She had poor listening skills. So Obese is a group that has trouble getting quality education.
Another group of students are the chronically ill...such as kids with MS, MD, CFibrosis, physical disabilities. These kids present great challenges to schools.
Another group of students are the chronically ill...such as kids with MS, MD, CFibrosis, physical disabilities. These kids present great challenges to schools.
Desperate poverty is yet another factor. I've had students in class who were in the US without their parents, who lived in a mission or with one family after another, who wore the same two sets of clothes over and over, etc. Their struggle was simply to stay alive and safe; even though they said they wanted an education, staying alive was higher on their priority list (so to speak). Most of these students were teenage boys, but there were a couple of girls in this type of situation through the years.