In 200 to 300 words name two other factors that have potential to prevent equality in education. Elaborate on the two you choose. Other than the obvious obstacles of prejudice and discrimination (such as, boys getting more attention than girls; minorities in poor schools; and so forth.

I just want to make sure I am on point with my answer.

I have chosen physical handicaps and racism, are these considered the same or am I on the right track?

7 answers

They look good -- especially if you show that racism exists in the classroom, not just because they are poor schools. Does racism exist in middle class classrooms? Is racism a cause of poor schools?
This is what I am planning on writing:

The two factors that can contribute to the prevention of equality in education are children that are physically handicap and different races within the classroom. Many children are distracted when it comes to a handicapped child only because they can stare, make fun, or have to sit quietly while the teacher takes some time to explain things a little more. Some children might perceive that you are giving more time to that child instead of them, so they will feel a little left out or unimportant.

The other factor is different races within the classroom. There are many stereotypes that come with races and this can definitely become a distraction. Also, there might be some ELL students within the class that might prove a bit of difficulty and thoughts of favoritism as well. Having a language barrier might prevent the child from learning something that the others can understand.
I don't think racism covers differences of language. They are two separate things.

You might want to change the category from racism to ELL students.
I will do that, from what you read, is this alright, did I understand the assignment correctly?
Thank you Ms. Sue. You are always such a great help.
You're welcome, Jessica. :-)

Yes, I think you understand the assignment correctly.
Change handicap in the first sentence to handicapped.