Organization is an important element in the speech preparation process. What do you need to take in to consideration when organizing your speech material?
4 answers
What do you think? We will be happy to critique your thinking.
Yes you have to take your audience into consideration. When talking to a different set of people it could be race or age to communicate effectively you have to gear towards you audience to have an effective conversation
This is what I think
This is what I think
That's very true.
But regardless of makeup of your audience, you also need to organize your material so that you present it logically and convincingly. Decide on your thesis statement (i.e. Capital punishment should be abolished) and then outlining the arguments you make to support this thesis. Finally find a "hook" to draw in your audience, and conclude with a summary of your arguments.
But regardless of makeup of your audience, you also need to organize your material so that you present it logically and convincingly. Decide on your thesis statement (i.e. Capital punishment should be abolished) and then outlining the arguments you make to support this thesis. Finally find a "hook" to draw in your audience, and conclude with a summary of your arguments.
This article might add a little to what has been said.
I hope this helps a little more.
I hope this helps a little more.