on a powerpoint, do you italicize or underline the title and subtitle of the book in question of the biography/ presentation?
for a tv show, do you underline, italicize, or put it in quotes?
2 answers
books, magazines, newspapers, and movies are either underlined or italicized, while other titles (such as that of a tv show) are put in quotes. the former (books, magazines, newspapers, and movies) is generally italicized when written on the computer, but underlined when written by hand.
It doesn't matter what program you're using -- PowerPoint, Word, Publisher, etc. What matters is the guidelines you've been told to follow.
MLA: (Broken Link Removed)
Books - italicize or underline, just be consistent
Television shows - in quotation marks
(Broken Link Removed)
Scroll down on the left for Chicago and CBE styles.
MLA: (Broken Link Removed)
Books - italicize or underline, just be consistent
Television shows - in quotation marks
(Broken Link Removed)
Scroll down on the left for Chicago and CBE styles.