Okay so, my test is 11 questions wrong, there are some I don't get and some I answered to but want to make sure they are correct. Here they are:

1.) A marae is a structure built by the
A. Polynesians to migrate across the ocean.
B. Aborigines to house multiple generations of a family
C. New Guineans to store crops.
D. Maori to use as a cultural center and meeting house. ***

2.) Why did Western nations want to colonize the Micronesian islands?
A. The islands are located midway between Asia and North America, and ships needed places to refuel.
B. The islands are in a tropical climate, and this made them ideal locations for growing citrus fruits.
C. The islands are rich in natural minerals, which were needed for industrial manufacturing.
D. The islands are the largest islands in the Pacific, which made them attractive as places to settle. ***

3.) How are the cultures of Australia and New Zealand diffrent?
A. A smaller percentage of Australians are descended from British and Irish people.
B. Unlike Australia, New Zealand has attracted many immigrants from Asia.
C. New Zealand has a higher proportion of indigenous that Australia.
D. In contrast to Australians, most New Zealanders are Christian.

4. Which of the following do Australia and New Zealand have in common with the United States?
A.) The constitution of each country includes a bill of rights.
B. The governments of all three countries have a federal structure.
C. All three countries are presidential republics.
D. All three countries were once British colonies. ***

5.) Because of its geography, New Zealand developed an economy that relies heavily on
A. animal-based agriculture.
B. coal and iron mining.
C. tropical crops, such as sugarcane. ***
D. manufacturing

6.) Rising sea levels and coral bleaching are both major threats to
A. coastal Australia
B. fish populations in the Pacific. ***
C. Pacific atolls
D. New Zealand cities

7.) Which of the following natural disasters occur frequently in Australia?
A. eruptions and ash clouds due to its location close to active volcanos
B. earthquakes caused by its location on the boundary between two tectonic plates ***
C. wildfires in grassy areas during the hot dry summer season
D. floods and mudslides cause by heavy rains due to its tropical climate

8.) How is Antarctica diffrent from all the other continents?
A. It is almost completely covered with ice. ***
B. It is completely surrounded by water.
C. It has a varied physical landscape.
D. It has high interior mountains.

9.) Which was a major part of Polynesian culture?
A. The development of a democratic form of government.
B. The development of long-distance navigation skills.
C. The development of a single language.
D. The development of a monotheistic religion.

10.) Which of these statements have an effect of British Settlement on the Aborigines? Select all that apply.
A. Aborigine were allowed to create their own governments.
B. The British practiced forced assimilation.
C. Aborigine tried to resist British colonization.
D. The British government granted Aborigine fertile farmland.

11.) Which statement accurately describes the current state of the Pacific islands?
A. Many Pacific islands peacefully obtained their independence.
B. Most Pacific islands are still fully governed by their colonizers.
C. Many Pacific islands obtained their independence after declaring war on their colonizers.
D. Most Pacific islands obtained their independence after the United States intervened on their behalf.

Please help, it was due on Friday...

14 answers

Sorry, at the top, I meant to say "long", not wrong. Sorry again.
Why don't you check them the same way I would? I'd Google each one.
I already did, some helped, some didn't.
And I am hoping someone here could help.
Please post only three or four of the 11 that you couldn't verify with Google.
But were my answers correct? Because google didn't verify them, they only helped. But the ones I didn't get help on were 3, 9, 10, and 11.
3. c
9. b
I'll be back a little later to finish these four questions.
Okay, that you so much!
10. https://australianstogether.org.au/discover/australian-history/stolen-generations

11. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=tBe_XYCwMtKesQXnjbOQAQ&q=current+state+of+the+Pacific+islands%3F&oq=current+state+of+the+Pacific+islands%3F&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30.4146.4146..6014...0.0..
I think the answer for 10 would be "The British practiced forced assimilation". I am still kind of puzzled for 11. I think it id D. Most Pacific islands obtained their independence after the United States intervened on their behalf. I am not sure though.
I am so sorry if I have bad spelling, I am kinda in a rush.
10 is right; 11 is wrong.
Okay, I think it is A or B then. I am sorry if I am wrong
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