As I understand it, the web designer builds the set up, designs the site to suit the clients' want and needs. A web master keeps the servers running and maintains the site, fixing glitches, etc. A single person may do both in a small operation but large operations usually require more than one person.
Go to google and type in define followed by a colon followed by webmaster, then do the same for web designer. They are not just different names for the same thing. I have a brother who designs web sites and charges for it but he buys into a host set up that maintains the servers that keeps things going. He changes the site, in some cases each week, to keep it up to date with the client's desires, but he doesn't maintain the "machinery" that keeps the site going and he owns no servers. I THINK, but I'm not positive, that the Jiskha site is designed and maintained by the same person. You could post a question on this site, addressed To Jiskha, and Leo will answer you.
Okay, I'm doing a project at school and I need help.
What is the difference between a "Webmaster" and a "Web designer"
They both build websites using HTML don't they? So I don't see any difference. Could it be just different names?
1 answer